There are always new deals coming onto the market so if you’re nearing the end of your mortgage term e.g. it is due to expire within the next six to seven months and you’re keen to see what else is available both from your existing lender and others, then get in touch today as you might be able to save some money.
At Flamingo Life & Mortgage, Lara can take all of the legwork out of searching for the right deals for you. Based on your personal circumstances Lara will support you right through from application to completion. Lara has access to a panel of specified lenders including some exclusive deals you may not find anywhere else on the market. Lara will fully assess your existing deal and compare it to other products available so you can make an informed and fully supported choice.
You may also want to explore how to unlock money tied up in your home for other circumstances.
Your Property may be repossessed if you do not keep up with repayments on your mortgage.